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• What forms of payment are normally used?
• Bank charges: Who is responsible for bank charges?
• Importing bank: What bank data does the importer have to provide?
• Exporting bank: What bank data does the exporter have to include in the invoice?
5.What forms of payment are normally used?

AGAINST DOCUMENTS: this is the normally used form of payment. The bank delivers the documentation (bill of lading, invoice, and specification...
6.Bank charges: Who is responsible for bank charges?

Each party is responsible for their respective bank charges. If the bank making the payment has an agency bank and does not pay the bank refle...
7.Importing bank: What bank data does the importer have to provide?

It is necessary to provide the name, address, telephone, and the account number at the bank that receives the documentation.
8.Exporting bank: What bank data does the exporter have to include in the invoice?

It is important to include the IBAN and the BIC number in the invoices. Since 1 January 2004, if this number is not included, banks charge a c...
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